Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does anyone know the name of the foot cream....?

That you use for a month pre (big) hike? It toughens the feet. I cant remember the name but the army and seasoned hikers swear by it.|||Not sure if this is what you are talking about.....|||I was in the Marines. I had never heard of what you%26#039;re describing. We primarily used foot powder during the actual march. Not only does it absord your sweat, it allows your socks to move more smoothly across your foot as you move and flex. Some blisters are caused by socks and shoes moving abrasively across the foot. If you are prone to blisters, you can also use mole skin -- kind of like a tape -- over the prone area as a barrier between your foot and your sock and shoe. In a pinch you can also put a fabric bandage over the prone area. Do not use a plastic one and don%26#039;t buy the cheap ones -- the adhesive will not last and they will come loose, creating lumps in your sock which will cause blisters.|||When my brother was an Air Cadet he used to rub his feet with surgical spirit in advance of going off to camp. It supposedly helped toughen the skin and prevent blisters.|||Try WHITE HORSE OIL if you can still buy it.|||vaseline?? Got a feeling walkers use that?

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